

At Assist Support Services, we understand that everyone is different. We provide personalised support services for children and adults who live with a disability, so you can get the care you need. We pride ourselves in providing person-centered care delivered with focus, care, and continuity.

Delivering Service Support

We’re proud to be a registered disability service provider, and we adhere to the Disability Act 2006. This means we hold all the appropriate certification included in the Act, and any person who applies to work with us must obtain a Working With Children card. We also undergo police safety screening tests, so you can be sure that your loved one is in safe hands with us.

Our Services

Mother and her disability son in In-home Personalised Support Services

In Home Support

We assist you with daily living tasks such as personal 1:1 support. Our personal in-home support services is designed to help you live the life you want. 

A group of disabled people making time for Social and Community Access Services

Social & Community Access

We work to break down these barriers and give disable people the opportunity to socialize and be a part of the community.

Mother and daughter laugh at personal assistance service.


Respite care supports you and your carer by giving you both a break for a short period of time. It can help give you and your carer the time and space to do things independently.

As domestic assistance, a woman cleans the glass doors.

Domestic Assistance

Domestic help is a type of support that helps you with activities around your home. This can include things like cooking, cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping.

People in group programs coordinate service with a disabled man in a wheelchair.

Group Programs

We can offer opportunities for you to interact with others who are facing similar challenges. These programs can offer support and advice, and they can also be a great way to make new friends.

A man and disable lady in support coordination

Support Coordination

Support Coordination helps you to get the most out of your plan and reach your goals. Support Coordination is known as “capacity building” support because it is designed to give you the skills and confidence to implement your plan more independently in the future.

Woman in comprehensive psychosocial recovery coaching

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Assist Support Services’ psychosocial recovery coaching staff have relevant qualifications, training and receive ongoing support and supervision to ensure that they are equipped to provide quality services to all individuals.

Reach Us

please don’t hesitate to drop us a line and we will work with you to find solutions to your care needs. Please fill out the below form or call us today!