Interabled relationships are on the rise as society becomes more open to them. Interabled relationships are when people with different abilities form a romantic relationship. However, there are still misconceptions people may hold towards interabled relationships. In this blog post, we address these misconceptions and discuss how people with disabilities can find and experience love.
Firstly, it is important to not make assumptions and stereotype people with disabilities. People may ‘pity’ people with disabilities and think that they cannot experience love. This is not true. Everyone has the desire and capacity to love and form relationships, it is basic human nature. People with disabilities fall in love every-day.
It is also important to understand that one’s disability does not define a person. We are all different and complex human beings. Look at the person for who they are, not their disability. People with disabilities just want to be accepted and treated normally.
Another common misconception is people thinking someone with a disability’s partner must be their caregiver. This is not true; their partner is not perfect and should treat them as an equal. A person with a disability is not a burden to their partner either. Both parties will have to work hard in loving and supporting one another. Communicating and setting boundaries is the key to a healthy relationship.
Remember, everyone deserves to love and be loved. A disability doesn’t make one less worthy of having a romantic relationship.